It dawned on me today that I haven't written about my hardest week to date yet.
Sunday, I completed a near 1/2 marathon. This is the longest I've ever run, and I'm paying the price for it.
Last week was intense. I'm not gonna lie. Last week made me question my abilities as an overweight athlete to accomplish my marathon goal. My workouts are greuling, my weight is plateaud, and my aching body begs me to back down. My husband thinks I've lost my mind,m and my best friend just rolls her eyes at me in disbelief and sarcasm. My mom thinks I'm a trooper, and is immensly proud of me and my dad could care less. My coach just says "ice, ice, ice" and gives me a figurative pat on the back through text messaging.
Last week I ran for a total of 325 minutes, or 5:25:00. My total running mileage was 23.44, for a total mileage to date of 101.30 in 5 weeks! I biked over 40 miles last week. That doesn't seem so insane, except when I consider that I weigh 235#. My marathon buddies say, "Oh, just wait until you're running 40-50 miles a week.....then you'll really hurt!".
Here was last week's schedule.
Monday- 70 minutes bike, not including the bike ride to and from the gym.
Tuesday- 45 minute run, weights, and abs (and bike ride to and from the gym)
Wednesday- 70 minute run, abs (and ride to and from the gym)
Thursday- 70 minutes bike, abs, and 10 miles round trip to WI and home on the bike. 25 total.
Friday- 45 minute run, weights, and abs (ride to and from the gym)
Saturday- OFF. THANK YOU, GOD!
Sunday- 165 minute long run, which ended up being 11.75 miles. Considering that a 1/2 marathon is 13.1 miles, where is my medal???
The saving grace to Sunday's run was the trainer who came up to me on the treadmill and said," You sure do lead by example! I couldn't run 11 miles if my life depended on it. You're more dedicated than I could be." At that point, I had less than a mile to go, so I knew I cold make it.
Last week was tough. This week is gonna be tough. the long run isn't as long, but the other days are getting longer.
The muscle at the top of my calf under my leg bend is still bothering me. I ice it every chance I get. I take Motrin like it's going out of style. I have a 1/2 marathon in 3 1/2 weeks, and I'm terrified. I just hope I can survive the next 3 weeks.
Rebekah - you truly are my inspiration. Each time I run...I think to myself...I wonder if Rebekah felt like this when she had been running as long as I have. I wonder what Rebekah is up to this week....then I remember you are up to ALOT every week. Keep up the good work, take care of the leg and thank you so much for being you :)....
ReplyDeleteYou are doing amazing! When do you start tapering off for your 1/2 mary? Hopefully this recent injury is a blessing in disquise and will give you time to heal.
ReplyDeleteYou are so amazing that the incredible things that you have accomplished...don't have the same effect on you anymore that they do on us mortals.