Once upon a time, there was a girl. She fell in love with a boy, and that boy cheated on her for almost a year with another girl. When he decided to leave the first girl, she begged him and pleaded him not to go. He looked at her with sea blue eyes under long, think eyelashes and said, "The only things in life you can really count on are change and gravity". Then he left her. Almost 12 years later, that girl is this girl, and little did that stupid boy know the force of nature he was dealing with when he crushed her heart.
I talk about the universe swirling and how I can feel things coming before they get here. I talk about having anxiety so deeply that I wake up each morning with knots in my stomach bad enough I can barely choke down half a bowl of cereal. I talk about feeling things that are beyond myself and things that didn't happen to me in this life. I have intuition beyond my own understanding. I'm not psychic, but I do feel things other people can't. I have dreams about people and they come true, I have feelings about things I can't explain, I sat at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans overcome with a sense of loss so profound all I could do was sit and cry. I have past life experiences. I sense things.
For that reason, people are drawn to me. Sometimes it's in an attraction kind of way, which I'll admit, I'm mostly oblivious to, and sometimes it's just a "let me get to know this girl". People are intrigued by me, I guess, who knows. It's not something I ask for, having gravity, but it's something I deal with. It's part of what keeps me in my house a lot. I read people very quickly, and I can get right down to the nuts and bolts of what makes them tick so fast that it scares people away sometimes. I'm an intuitive, and people who are brave enough to actually get to know me either stay very superficial with me or understand that I know how they tick and are ok with that. It's what makes finding friends, good friends so hard for me. My personality is quirky, cute and funny, and a little snarky, but quirky.
But back to change and gravity. When I said a cosmic storm was coming, I knew that everything would change. What I didn't realize was that my gravity would pull everyone around me into the storm. The thing is, each person who stands in my storm path doesn't really know what's coming at them. They don't realize that every decision I make while standing in the eye of my own storm affects them. They don't realize that I'm bringing a storm to them. Things happen around me and to me and to the people I love in a way that I cannot change or affect. These things don't happen because I want them to, they happen because they must. Like a gravitational pull that keeps our tiny little galaxy in order, when I change, the things and people around me must change or be left behind.
Change is never, ever easy. Nothing will be the same when the storm clears, but everything will be better. The universe in all its glory has a way of cleaning house from time to time. Nobody ever likes it; nobody ever wants it. The thing about the universe is that it never really gives you what you want, it gives you what you need. And sometimes learning to want what you need is the battle, not the other way around. I don't cause events ,but I do watch them happen and help people explain why they're happening at the same time. There are things happening around me and to me right now that are all connected, woven together like a basket, where one piece cannot stand alone without the other, but must also exist independently. All I can do is lock hands with the ones I love and stand in the middle of the perfect storm. Knowing we are each trying to stay upright on our own, but holding onto each other just in case one of us comes close to being swept away. My gravity attracts change, and it's what keeps me on the ground. I'm holding on tight because the storm just started, and you better believe I won't allow any of my loves to get pulled out of my gravity.
I talk about the universe swirling and how I can feel things coming before they get here. I talk about having anxiety so deeply that I wake up each morning with knots in my stomach bad enough I can barely choke down half a bowl of cereal. I talk about feeling things that are beyond myself and things that didn't happen to me in this life. I have intuition beyond my own understanding. I'm not psychic, but I do feel things other people can't. I have dreams about people and they come true, I have feelings about things I can't explain, I sat at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans overcome with a sense of loss so profound all I could do was sit and cry. I have past life experiences. I sense things.
For that reason, people are drawn to me. Sometimes it's in an attraction kind of way, which I'll admit, I'm mostly oblivious to, and sometimes it's just a "let me get to know this girl". People are intrigued by me, I guess, who knows. It's not something I ask for, having gravity, but it's something I deal with. It's part of what keeps me in my house a lot. I read people very quickly, and I can get right down to the nuts and bolts of what makes them tick so fast that it scares people away sometimes. I'm an intuitive, and people who are brave enough to actually get to know me either stay very superficial with me or understand that I know how they tick and are ok with that. It's what makes finding friends, good friends so hard for me. My personality is quirky, cute and funny, and a little snarky, but quirky.
But back to change and gravity. When I said a cosmic storm was coming, I knew that everything would change. What I didn't realize was that my gravity would pull everyone around me into the storm. The thing is, each person who stands in my storm path doesn't really know what's coming at them. They don't realize that every decision I make while standing in the eye of my own storm affects them. They don't realize that I'm bringing a storm to them. Things happen around me and to me and to the people I love in a way that I cannot change or affect. These things don't happen because I want them to, they happen because they must. Like a gravitational pull that keeps our tiny little galaxy in order, when I change, the things and people around me must change or be left behind.
Change is never, ever easy. Nothing will be the same when the storm clears, but everything will be better. The universe in all its glory has a way of cleaning house from time to time. Nobody ever likes it; nobody ever wants it. The thing about the universe is that it never really gives you what you want, it gives you what you need. And sometimes learning to want what you need is the battle, not the other way around. I don't cause events ,but I do watch them happen and help people explain why they're happening at the same time. There are things happening around me and to me right now that are all connected, woven together like a basket, where one piece cannot stand alone without the other, but must also exist independently. All I can do is lock hands with the ones I love and stand in the middle of the perfect storm. Knowing we are each trying to stay upright on our own, but holding onto each other just in case one of us comes close to being swept away. My gravity attracts change, and it's what keeps me on the ground. I'm holding on tight because the storm just started, and you better believe I won't allow any of my loves to get pulled out of my gravity.
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