Monday, September 27, 2010

Change is a constant.

I've spent two years running, now, and losing all this weight. I've built my finess level up so that I can run 5 miles 4 days a week, and run long every weekend. I planned first to do Vegas and then had to change my plans because I won't have the money. Then, I put my heart and soul into training for Disney again. And then the staph infection hit me.

10 days ago, I went to the E.R. with an abscess under my arm that just came from nowhere. After my arm swelled up to twice its size after the abscess was drained, and then bruised horribly, I had to tolerate the anitibiotics. And let me just say that massive doses of antibiotics plus a staph infection equal the inability to do anything. My body literally felt worse than after I ran the marathon. And, I wasn't allowed to run at all until it healed up. Even then, when I ran last week, I could barely make it more than 3 miles. So after 10 days of pills, and virtually no exercise, I've had to change my marathon plans yet again, much to my dismay.

I ran today on the TM, to take it easy on the body, and lifted weights, and I feel pretty good. It frustrates me that I have lost some of my endurance that I worked so hard to build, but I will build it back and it'll be pretty quickly, so I'm not too worried. The marathon I picked to run will not be until February, so I have plenty of time to get my fitness up.

I guess I can live with change, not that I like it all that much. But, I don't guess I really have a choice. As long as I'm healthy, none of it really matters anyway.

1 comment:

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