Friday, March 8, 2013

Dude, you really shouldn't do that...

Today I was late getting to the gym.  I was in a hurry, and in a very intense mood.  I had pedaled hard for 20:00 minutes, hopped off the bike and onto a treadmill, and pounded out 3 miles at tempo pace.  It was also shoulder/back day, and I knew with the long ride coming this weekend, I needed that workout.

I had noticed 2 guys lifting; one was in ok shape showing his very not in shape friend around the weight floor.  Then there's me.  I walk over, put on my lifting gloves, take off my long sleeve and immediately see the interest peak from the quasi in shape guy.  As I pull my iPad outta the backpack and go about grabbing the 50# barbell off the rack, then the 40# next to it, I see them stop to watch.  I wasn't doing anything amazing, just some anterior rows and posterior deltoid press ups in super sets.  I finish those sets, move through a couple more sets, and then realize the not so in shape guy head to the barbell tree.

He decided to try to lift my set.  So I stood there and watched.  I could see the hamster wheel in his brain saying, "If that kinda pudgy chick can lift this 50# bar, so can I...".  He quickly realized how wrong he was.  Watching him try not to throw out his back, coupled with the agonizing look on his face was like watching the thought bubbles of a real life cartoon strip in action.  His friend literally came over and said, "Dude, you really shouldn't do that.  Have you see her shoulders?  She's experienced."  At which point, I nearly died laughing as in one statement this guy's ego, hopes and dreams had been crushed because I had put him to shame.  What his friend failed to tell him was leave your ego at the border of the weight floor and lift light the very first day, lest you should hurt yourself or look like a meathead.

As I moved on to my dead lift sets, they decided it was time to attempt a conversation with me...3 separate times.  By the time I was done, they were lucky I hadn't thrown weights at them.  Don't you know?  Never interrupt me in the middle of a set!  EVER.  I don't wear headbands that say "SUCK IT UP" because I'm sweet and cuddly whilst lifting; I wear them because I'm hulking out over here...leave me alone.

At some point, the quasi in shape guy realized, Dude, you shouldn't bother her.  And then his ego was crushed because he clearly wasn't the kind of guy who is used to getting ignored.  Bottom line here?  The male ego is a fragile creature that apparently can be shattered by a chick lifting more than him and then ignoring his existence.  The gym really is no place for ego; it's a place for hard work, dedication, and accomplishment to shyly poke it's head out in the form of shoulders that are FINALLY starting to come in.  It's a place where I can claim my little corner and build up the muscles I have waited so long to meet.  It's where I can just be strong instead of being "strong for a girl", and I can have respect from the trainers and other gymrats for putting in the hours of sweat and commitment.

Do everyone a favor, leave your ego at the door.  While you're at it: leave all your pretenses at the door, including your self-consciousness, your shyness, your worry about not being good enough or your comparisons to someone else.  Leave it outside in the garbage and GO...BE AMAZING.  Dude, you really SHOULD do that.


  1. Way to go! Be strong and stand strong!

  2. Hey, I nominated you for a Liebster Award. It's just a fun way to get to know other bloggers and I think you all deserve to get a little recognition!
    Here is my Liebster Award post if you want to participate :)

  3. "I'm hulking it out!" I need a shirt that says this!! I love it!!
